Whenever possible I will cite the source; if you find your recipe on here, please email me so I can give you the credit!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Steam Buns

I've always wanted to know how they make those tasty little buns at Asian restaurants. All steamy and wonderful. The ones where there may or may not be a little treat hidden inside; plum pudding, BBQ'd meat the possibilities were only limited by my own imagination.

I was watching the Food Network, and what do I see?

Steam Buns!

Yeah, I made those. The bottom one in the right picture is my favourite. I mean, just look at it.

So here it is; the recipe I used*:
Blend until smooth, super sticky dough.
Spread some flour on your work space and dump the dough out. 
Flour your hands and knead the dough until it becomes firm and waaay less sticky.
Divide into portions depending on the size of bun you want. I did 13.
Put each portion in a doubled up muffin paper.
Arrange in your steamer and steam for about 10-12 minutes. 

It's totally okay to peek. I did. A lot.

Too boring for you? Okay, how about some variations:
  • Instead of coconut milk, use a different liquid. 
  • Grate some cheese and add it into the dough
  • When the dough is workable, add a filling. A piece of meat, some cheese, fresh fruit or vegetables
  • Sprinkle the tops with sugar
  • Put chocolate inside. 
Think 13 buns might be too much for one meal? You're probably right. Let the leftovers cool a bit, then put them in ziplock bags. They'll last for a couple days, and have the consistency of scones. Terrific with jam.

That's my taste on it, I'd love to know if it worked for you!

Also, don't use decorative muffin papers in your steamer, unless you want the image transferred to the wood. Oops!

*Jamie Oliver's 15 Minute Meals, January 2013


  1. I think you should post the nutritional value of everything you make!
