Whenever possible I will cite the source; if you find your recipe on here, please email me so I can give you the credit!

Monday 28 January 2013

Kids in the Kitchen

Cooking great meals can be challenging. Cooking great meals while dealing with kids can feel impossible. I have found that if I get them involved we all enjoy the experience more.

Granted, kids can't do everything. I would never ask my kids to stir a pan of boiling sugar; but they can beat eggs, stir ingredients and fetch different items from the pantry or fridge.

Even if they don't understand what is going on, they can still enjoy the experience. I do my grocery shopping early in the morning and I take the baby with me. She has no idea what is going on, but she understands tone and smiles. Maybe on some level she even understands what I am saying.

So when we are in the produce section, I explain to her how to pick out veggies and which fruits are best and why we don't want bruised apples. I'll hold up two items and let her pick which one goes in the cart. The one that gets the big smile and the grabby hands is the winner.  It may not mean anything now, but getting myself into the habit of including her in our choices and picking the item she shows a preference to (even if they are completely identical) helps me to include her. The sooner I can develop these habits the easier it will be when she is older.

My older daughter and I went to my Mother's house on the weekend and we made bread. She likes to knead the dough, but the best part is punching to down once it has risen.

Kids also need to learn the responsibilities in the kitchen as well. It is very common in our house for the kids to clear the table, unload and reload the dishwasher, and sweep the floor. I can feel my anxiety climb when the kitchen isn't tidy. I'm not saying it has to be polished all the time, but it should definitely be organized.  It is a rare day that there are dishes in the sink by the time dinner is on the table.

It's the little things that count, and where they can help out let them!

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