Whenever possible I will cite the source; if you find your recipe on here, please email me so I can give you the credit!

Wednesday 22 April 2015

Cooking Spaghetti Squash

It occurred to me as I was rereading the previous post (Honey Garlic Chicken in the Pot) that maybe one of you would also like to add Spaghetti Squash to your dinner. And really, why wouldn't you? It is de-light-ful.

Since discovering squash and how much I like it, I have looked at dozens--literally dozens--of recipes for cooking it. Of course, what you do with it all depends on what you want to do with it, follow?

For me, I'm a "Squash stands alone" kinda girl. That being said there are (again) dozens of ways to cook what the internet has dubbed "the perfect squash". I feel, personally, that only one recipe should ever be given the "perfect" label, but that's me. I don't think things are perfect, I like to add my own little flare.

So while there are many, many perfect recipes out there for perfectly cooking a perfect Spaghetti Squash, I will share my favourite.

Here's what you need:

Water didn't make it into the picture, but we all know what that looks like

  • Squash
  • Knife
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Water, less than half a cup
  • Baking dish
And to make it even more perfect, here's what to do--in pictures! Yay
Cut in half lengthwise and remove the guts

Add a bit of Olive oil and rub all over the inner surface

Add salt and pepper

Place cut side down in baking pan and add a bit of water, just enough to cover the bottom of the dish*

Put the dish in the oven at 400F for about 45 minutes. When a knife pierces the flesh easily it is done. To remove the good stuff from the skin use a fork to scrape out the guts. It'll come out in strings, much like Spaghetti, hence the name....

*The water is optional, I just find it makes the squash more tender and juicy. mmmmm

This can be used in place of pasta spaghetti for most things, it's lighter than pasta and a healthy alternative.

We'll be using it as a side to go along with the chicken. Don't tell the kids....

That's my taste on it.

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